Back to Bits, a curated animation project featuring the collective works of more than 40 artists from around the world, showcases a series of animated GIFs inspired by retro NES games. This first round, or “level,” in the Back to Bits series is called NES Nostalgia, and is a tribute to retro 80s and 90s NES games.
Back to Bits was channeled by the nostalgic desire to go 'back to the bit era' when games were measured in bits, NES 8-bit.
My contribution was the game Dragon Warrior (Japanese title: Dragon Quest). My idea was to focus solely on the most iconic figure of the game, Slime. In the game they’re only three slimes you encounter: Blue, Green & Metal.
Concept, Design, Animation, Composite, Direction

Concept, Design, Direction & Animation: Gerald Mark Soto