Back to Bits | Level 2 - Super 16, a curated animation project featuring the collective works of more than 40 artists from around the world, showcases a series of animated GIFs inspired by retro Super Nintendo games. This second round in the Back to Bits series is called SNES Nostalgia, and is a tribute to retro 90s Super Nintendo games.
Back to Bits was channeled by the nostalgic desire to go 'back to the bit era' when games were measured in bits, SNES 16-bit. My contribution was the game Super Bomberman. The multiplayer aspect of bombing each other into corners is what lead to the final execution. One of my favorite games.
By creating an RGB-CMYK color pass I was able to color all 4 bombermans with only 1 rig using the Set Matte plugin.
Concept, Design, Animation, Composite, Direction
Scripts used/
After Effects file/
Concept, Design, Direction & Animation: Gerald Mark Soto

Client: Jerry Liu Studio
Site: Back to Bits
Made at Salvame

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